More pictures

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I’ve added some more images to a new gallery.
It was my Niece’s 3rd Birthday and we had a great little day visiting.  So feel free to check out the gallery.

In other news, finished reading up Pygmy and it was a nice quick read.  Was expecting a bit more from the ending, but it was almost predictable once you hit the last few pages.  Going back to reading my Clive Barker book that I’ve been reading on/off for the past year or so.  So time to finally finish that off and hopefully by the end of the month Dean Koontz’s 3rd book of Frankenstein (Dead and Alive) is out and I can finished up the series after waiting a long 3+ years!

Gallery again!

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Well, I’m switched up the Gallery.
Now using another method, not fully inegrated to the site, but I feel it suits the photos more that way.

Made it so a new window opens for each gallery and this way I can easily update the galleries as they become available, hope you enjoy it!

Summer time!

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I haven’t been posting much on here, been busy with other things.

I plan to do some more updates as I can, also thinking of setting up a different gallery for my images.

I’ve been playing a lot with my new 50mm Lens and I hope to pickup an external flash in the following weeks.

Then I’m undecided on my next lens, but I don’t want it to be a cheap one, something to invest my money in.

So I’ll update the site with some new photos soon and also possibly change it so the gallery launches it’s own sub-site.

But for now, checkout the existing gallery for a few new photos of Winston & Lisa!

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